Professor Benjamin Iaquinto was featured in a story by CUHK student-journalists in their U-Beat Magazine
Professor Nicky Y F LAM was invited by Macau Science Museum and was interviewed by TDM News
Dr Benjamin Iaquinto was featured in a CNN Travel article
Dr Benjamin Iaquinto's interview by Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly
Professor Peng Gong speaks on Sustainable data at 2023 World Data Forum Macau Satellite Event
10th Asia-Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development (APFSD) in Bangkok
Professor Becky P. Y. Loo was interviewed by Now TV
Dr Benjamin Iaquinto is an invited speaker at The Connected Cities Conference hosted by KPMG
North Point Government Primary School Visit
Professor KC Ho was interviewed by RTHK
Professor KC Ho was interviewed by TVB News
Professor KC Ho was interviewed by Ming Pao
Professor Becky P Y Loo has attended 城市論壇
Dr Nicky LAM was interviewed in the TVB news show “ 時事多面睇 ”( A Closer Look)
The ‘flights to nowhere’ phenomenon
Dr Nicky LAM was interviewed in the CRHK radio show “國際線” (Global Frontline)
Professor Becky PY Loo has been interviewed by Portugal Mobi Summit 2020
Professor KC Ho was interviewed in the RTHK radio show “大氣候” (Climate Watcher)
What will the national security law mean for travelers -- and Hong Kong's tourism recovery?