Publication Highlights 2024

Publication list 2024
Prof. Patrick J. ADLER
Adler, P. (2024). "Brand on the run: place brands as judgement devices and sources of local advantage in the music industry." Regional Studies: 1-17. DOI:
Adler, P. and Osman, T. (2024). "Die Another Day: Hollywood Transformed in the Streaming Era." Otis College Report on the Creative Economy.
Adler, P. (2024). "Red hot city: Housing, race, and exclusion in twenty-first-century Atlanta, by Dan Immergluck." Journal of Urban Affairs 46(9): 1936-1938. DOI:
Prof. Wesley ATTEWELL
Attewell, W. (2024). "Empire, redux: Towards a new political geography of race war." Progress in Human Geography 48(6): 826-842. DOI:
Attewell, W. (2024). "War Travels: The Logistics of Vietnam War Militourism." Annals of the American Association of Geographers: 1-16. DOI:
Prof. Yanjia CAO
Cao, Y., Yang, J.-A., Nara, A. and Jankowska, M. M. (2024). "Designing and Evaluating a Hierarchical Framework for Matching Food Outlets across Multi-sourced Geospatial Datasets: a Case Study of San Diego County." Journal of Urban Health 101(1): 155-169. DOI:
Sali, A., Yanjia, C., Zicheng, W., Matthew, M. C., Pakwanja, T., Mingyang, M., . . . Yanfang, S. (2024). "Service readiness for the management of non-communicable diseases in publicly financed facilities in Malawi: findings from the 2019 Harmonised Health Facility Assessment census survey." BMJ Open 14(1): e072511. DOI:
Prof. Wendy Y. CHEN
Jin, J., Chen, W. Y., Jia, B. and Wang, C. (2024). "Cooling effect of urban greenery: A bibliometric analysis." Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 99: 128453. DOI:
Wu, W., Tan, W., Chen, W. Y. and Wang, R. (2024). "Disentangling the non-linear impacts of natural attributes of urban built environment on life satisfaction." Cities 155: 105496. DOI:
Liu, S., Chan, F. K. S., Chen, W. Y., Netusil, N. R., Feng, M., Xie, L., . . . Cheshmehzangi, A. (2024). "Home-buying decisions influenced by the implementation of nature-based solutions: The case of Sponge City, Guiyang SW China." Nature-Based Solutions 5: 100115. DOI:
Cao, Y., Chen, W. Y. and Wantzen, K. M. (2024). "Human-river relationships in Chinese cities: evidence from highly educated water museum visitors." Urban Ecosystems 27(1): 203-217. DOI:
Yan, J., Chen, W. Y., Zhang, Z., Zhao, W., Liu, M. and Yin, S. (2024). "Mitigating PM2.5 exposure with vegetation barrier and building designs in urban open-road environments based on numerical simulations." Landscape and Urban Planning 241: 104918. DOI:
Guo, Y. and Chen, W. Y. (2024). "Monitoring tree canopy dynamics across heterogeneous urban habitats: A longitudinal study using multi-source remote sensing data." Journal of Environmental Management 356: 120542. DOI:
Cao, Y., Chen, W. Y. and Wantzen, K. M. (2024). "‘One River, Two Systems’: Hong Kong’s River Management." Environmental Management 73(1): 81-101. DOI:
Shinan-Altman, S., Rosenne, H., Chen, W., Kaofer, H., Zeevi, S., Nir-Paz, R., . . . Schiff, M. (2024). "Professional quality of life among Israeli social workers in hospitals and a health maintenance organization (HMO) during the COVID-19 pandemic." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry: No Pagination Specified-No Pagination Specified. DOI:
Han, W. and Chen, W. Y. (2024). "Survival of biomass and waste power generation: A global overview." Science of The Total Environment 940: 173593. DOI:
Wang, C., Jin, J., Davies, C. and Chen, W. Y. (2024). "Urban Forests as Nature-Based Solutions: a Comprehensive Overview of the National Forest City Action in China." Current Forestry Reports 10(2): 119-132. DOI:
Tan, C., Chen, W. Y., Su, Y., Fritsch, A., Canu, P., Cao, Y., . . . Wantzen, K. M. (2024). "Wild or neat? Personal traits affect public preference for wildness of urban lakeshores in France and China." Landscape and Urban Planning 252: 105190. DOI:
Prof. Ben A. GERLOFS
Gerlofs, B. A. (2024). "Land fictions: The commodification of land in city and country." Planning Theory: 14730952241257704. DOI:
Gerlofs, B. A., Iaquinto, B. L., Poon, K. Y. N. and Tsang, C. T. Y. (2024). "Tank to Table: Hong Kong’s Wet Markets and the Geographies of Lively Commodification Beyond Companionship." Annals of the American Association of Geographers: 1-19. DOI:
Prof. Peng GONG
Cai, W., Zhang, C., Zhang, S., Bai, Y., Callaghan, M., Chang, N., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "The 2024 China report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: launching a new low-carbon, healthy journey." The Lancet Public Health 9(12): e1070-e1088. DOI:
Romanello, M., Walawender, M., Hsu, S.-C., Moskeland, A., Palmeiro-Silva, Y., Scamman, D., . . . Costello, A. (2024). "The 2024 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: facing record-breaking threats from delayed action." The Lancet 404(10465): 1847-1896. DOI:
Chen, X., Yu, L., Li, Y., Liu, T., Liu, J., Peng, D., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "China’s ongoing rural to urban transformation benefits the population but is not evenly spread." Communications Earth & Environment 5(1). DOI:
Wei, S., Zhang, H., Xu, Z., Lin, G., Lin, Y., Liang, X., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "Coastal urbanization may indirectly positively impact growth of mangrove forests." Communications Earth & Environment 5(1). DOI:
Zhang, Z., Ni, W., Quegan, S., Chen, J., Gong, P., Rodriguez, L., . . . Sun, G. (2024). "Deforestation in Latin America in the 2000s predominantly occurred outside of typical mature forests." Innovation (Cambridge (Mass.)) 5: 100610. DOI:
Venevsky, S., Berdnikov, S., Day, J. W., Sorokina, V., Gong, P., Kleshchenkov, A., . . . Yuan, C. (2024). "Don River Delta hydrological and geomorphological transformation under anthropogenic and natural forcings. Dynamics of delta shoreline, risk of coastal flooding and related management options." Ocean & Coastal Management 258: 107364. DOI:
Du, Z., Yu, L., Arvor, D., Li, X., Cao, X., Zhong, L., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "Dual Data- and Knowledge-Driven Land Cover Mapping Framework for Monitoring Annual and Near-Real-Time Changes." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-14. DOI:
Schumann, G., Barciela, R., Benegal, V., Bernard, A., Desrivieres, S., Feng, J., . . . Thompson, P. (2024). "The Earth, Brain, Health Commission: how to preserve mental health in a changing environment." Nature Mental Health 2(10): 1121-1123. DOI:
Liu, S., Wang, Y., Zhang, G. J., Gong, P., Wei, L., He, Y., . . . Wang, B. (2024). "Effects of Urbanization in China on the East Asian Summer Monsoon as Revealed by Two Global Climate Models." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129(1): e2023JD039737. DOI:
Zheng, Z., Zhuang, L., Miao, G., Liu, H., Cheng, Z., Li, W., . . . Chen, J. M. (2024). "Elevational distribution of forests and its spatiotemporal dynamics in subtropical China from 2000 to 2019." Science China Earth Sciences 67(8): 2563-2582. DOI:
Zhao, Q., Yu, L., Li, X., Xu, Y., Du, Z., Kanniah, K., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "The expansion and remaining suitable areas of global oil palm plantations." Global Sustainability 7: e9. DOI:
Chen, S., Liang, X., Wang, J., Liu, Q. and Gong, P. (2024). Fusing Landsat, MODIS, and AVHRR to Produce 30-M Daily Seamless Data Cube of Surface Reflectance: Current Progress and Lessons Learned, IEEE. DOI:
Chen, S., Wang, J., Liu, Q., Liang, X., Liu, R., Qin, P., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "Global 30-m seamless data cube (2000-2022) of land surface reflectance generated from Landsat-5,7,8,9 and MODIS Terra constellations." Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. 2024: 1-44. DOI:
Yi, Q., Huixin, G., Yaomin, Z., Jinlian, S., Xingyu, Z., Huize, Y., . . . Xiankai, H. (2024). "Global conservation priorities for wetlands and setting post-2025 targets." Communications Earth & Environment 5(1). DOI:
Liu, X., Zhu, P., Liu, S., Yu, L., Wang, Y., Du, Z., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "Global Cropland Expansion Enhances Cropping Potential and Reduce its Inequality among Countries." Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss. 2024: 1-16. DOI:
Guo, J., Zhu, Z. and Gong, P. (2024). "Global forest resilience change from 2001 to 2022." International Journal of Remote Sensing 45(17): 5889-5900. DOI:
Ma, X., Zheng, G., Xu, C., Moskal, L. M., Gong, P., Guo, Q., . . . Zhou, Y. (2024). "A global product of 150-m urban building height based on spaceborne lidar." Scientific Data 11(1): 1387. DOI:
Dai, F., Brown, J., Xie, Z., Wang, Y. and Gong, P. (2024). "How provinces and cities can sustain US–China climate cooperation." Nature 636(8041): 39-42. DOI:
Liu, T., Yu, L., Chen, X., Chen, Y., Li, X., Liu, X., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "Identifying Potential Urban Greenways by Considering Green Space Exposure Levels and Maximizing Recreational Flows: A Case Study in Beijing’s Built-Up Areas." Land 13(11): 1793. DOI:
Gong, P. (2024). "In Memory of Professor Ruiliang Pu." Journal of Remote Sensing 4. DOI: 10.34133/remotesensing.0259
Wu, S., Chen, B., An, J., Lin, C. and Gong, P. (2024). "The interplay of cloud cover and 3D urban structures reduces human access to sunlight." Nature Cities 1(10): 686-694. DOI:
Du, Z., Yu, L., Chen, X., Gao, B., Yang, J., Fu, H. and Gong, P. (2024). "Land use/cover and land degradation across the Eurasian steppe: Dynamics, patterns and driving factors." Science of The Total Environment 909: 168593. DOI:
Hou, X., Liu, J., Huang, H., Zhang, Y., Liu, C. and Gong, P. (2024). "Mapping global lake aquatic vegetation dynamics using 10-m resolution satellite observations." Science Bulletin 69(19): 3115-3126. DOI:
Xu, F., Wu, W., Wei, J., Xin, Q., Wielstra, B., La Sorte, F. A., . . . Si, Y. (2024). "Migratory herbivorous waterfowl track multiple resource waves during spring migration." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 291(2030). DOI:
Chen, B., An, J., Huang, Y., Chen, X., Wu, S., Lin, C. and Gong, P. (2024). "Multifaceted impacts of Ukraine's Kakhovka Dam destruction." Sci Bull (Beijing) 69(11): 1642-1646. DOI:
Wang, X., Li, X., Wu, T., He, S., Zhang, Y., Ling, X., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "Municipal and Urban Renewal Development Index System: A Data-Driven Digital Analysis Framework." Remote Sensing 16(3). DOI:
Xu, N., Lu, H., Li, W. and Gong, P. (2024). "Natural lakes dominate global water storage variability." Sci Bull (Beijing) 69(8): 1016-1019. DOI:
Whitmee, S., Green, R., Belesova, K., Hassan, S., Cuevas, S., Murage, P., . . . Haines, A. (2024). "Pathways to a healthy net-zero future: report of the Lancet Pathfinder Commission." The Lancet 403(10421): 67-110. DOI:
Ban, J., Lu, K., Liu, Y., Zang, J., Zhou, Z., Zhang, C., . . . Li, T. (2024). "Projecting future excess deaths associated with extreme precipitation events in China under changing climate: an integrated modelling study." The Lancet Planetary Health 8(10): e723-e733. DOI:
Zhang, L., Ren, Z., Chen, B., Gong, P., Xu, B. and Fu, H. (2024). "A Prolonged Artificial Nighttime-light Dataset of China (1984-2020)." Scientific Data 11(1): 414. DOI:
Chen, B., Tu, Y., An, J., Wu, S., Lin, C. and Gong, P. (2024). "Quantification of losses in agriculture production in eastern Ukraine due to the Russia-Ukraine war." Communications Earth & Environment 5(1): 336. DOI:
Yuan, S., Wei, F., Zhang, L., Fu, H. and Gong, P. (2024). Receptive Convolution Boosts Large-Scale Multi-Class Change Detection, IEEE. DOI:
Yuan, S., Zhang, L., Dong, R., Xiong, J., Zheng, J., Fu, H. and Gong, P. (2024). "Relational Part-Aware Learning for Complex Composite Object Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images." IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics: 1-14. DOI:
Xu, N., Li, W., Gong, P. and Lu, H. (2024). "Satellite altimeter observed surface water increase across lake-rich regions of the Arctic." The Innovation 5(6): 100714. DOI:
Wei, J., Xu, F., Cole, E. F., Sheldon, B. C., de Boer, W. F., Wielstra, B., . . . Si, Y. (2024). "Spatially heterogeneous shifts in vegetation phenology induced by climate change threaten the integrity of the avian migration network." Global Change Biology 30(1): e17148. DOI:
Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Gao, J., Chen, Z., Liu, Z., Huang, J., . . . Xu, L. (2024). "Spatiotemporal trends of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in China under climate variation." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(4): e2312556121. DOI:
Gong, P., Wang, J. and Huang, H. (2024). "Stable classification with limited samples in global land cover mapping: Theory and experiments." Science bulletin: S2095-9273(2024)00196-00198. DOI:
Liu, T., Yu, L., Liu, J., Xu, Z., Chen, X., Wu, H., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "Unveiling interprovincial geographic patterns of 5A-level tourism cultural ecosystem service flows and tourist preferences in China's metacoupled systems." Applied Geography 172: 103432. DOI:
Yin, P., Li, X., Zhou, Y., Mao, J., Fu, Y. H., Cao, W., . . . Guo, J. (2024). "Urbanization effects on the spatial patterns of spring vegetation phenology depend on the climatic background." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 345: 109718. DOI:
Liu, T., Yu, L., Chen, X., Li, X., Du, Z., Yan, Y., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "Utilizing nighttime light datasets to uncover the spatial patterns of county-level relative poverty-returning risk in China and its alleviating factors." Journal of Cleaner Production 448: 141682. DOI:
Ni, H., Yu, L. and Gong, P. (2024). "Weakly supervised mapping of old and renewed urban areas in China during the recent two decades." International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 134: 104125. DOI:
Chen, B., Wu, S., Jin, Y., Song, Y., Wu, C., Venevsky, S., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "Wildfire risk for global wildland–urban interface areas." Nature Sustainability. DOI:
Prof. Bo HUANG
Chen, Z. and Huang, B. (2024). "Achieving urban vibrancy through effective city planning: A spatial and temporal perspective." Cities 152: 105230. DOI:
Lin, J., Chen, M., Pradhan, P., Wu, K., Huang, B. and Lü, G. (2024). "Addressing urban tree loss and inequality in the USA: the need for targeted policies." Science Bulletin. DOI:
Guo, C., Yang, J., Ma, J., Chen, J., Chen, S., Zheng, Y., . . . He, S. (2024). "Ambient fine particulate matter and its constituents may exacerbate the acceleration of aging in adults." Environment International 192: 109019. DOI:
Bo, Y., Lin, C., Guo, C., Wong, M., Huang, B., Lau, A., . . . Lao, X. Q. (2024). "Chronic exposure to ambient air pollution and the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A cross-sectional study in Taiwan and Hong Kong." Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 275: 116245. DOI:
Huang, R., Zhu, S. and Huang, B. (2024). "Combining active learning and self-paced learning for cost-effective process design intents extraction of process data." Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 11(2): 161-175. DOI:
Qiang, W. W., Wen, T., Luo, H., Huang, B. and Lee, H. F. (2024). "Does a more compact urban center layout matter in reducing household carbon emissions? Evidence from Chinese cities." Land Use Policy 146: 107320. DOI:
Yu, Y., Zhou, H., Huang, B., Zhang, F. and Wang, B. (2024). "Dynamic mode decomposition and short-time prediction of PM 2.5 using the graph Neural Koopman network." International Journal of Geographical Information Science: 1-24. DOI:
Pun, M.-O., Huang, B., Liu, H. and Zhang, X. (2024). "Editorial for Special Issue on Advanced Machine Learning Techniques for Remote Sensing: Algorithms and Applications." APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing 13(3). DOI:
Zheng, W., Hu, J., Lu, Z., Hu, X., Sun, Q., Liu, J. and Huang, B. (2024). "Enhancing 4‐D Landslide Monitoring and Block Interaction Analysis With a Novel Kalman‐Filter‐Based InSAR Approach." Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 129(11). DOI:
Yan, Y., Huang, B., Wang, W., Xie, L., Guo, R. and Zhao, Y. (2024). Enhancing Building Height Estimation through Occlusion Reduction with Advanced Deep Learning Models. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts: 9413. DOI:
Wu, C., Yang, S., Jiao, D., Chen, Y., Yang, J. and Huang, B. (2024). "Estimation of daily XCO2 at 1 km resolution in China using a spatiotemporal ResNet model." Science of The Total Environment 954: 176171. DOI:
Liu, B., Tang, Z., Deng, M., Shi, Y., He, X. and Huang, B. (2024). "Estimation of travel flux between urban blocks by combining spatio-temporal and purpose correlation." Journal of Transport Geography 116: 103836. DOI:
Jiang, K., Wang, J., Kusky, T., Polat, A., Huang, B., Wang, L., . . . Peng, Y. (2024). "Genesis of Archean to Paleoproterozoic banded iron formations in the North China Craton: Geological and paleoenvironmental implications." Earth-Science Reviews 250: 104710. DOI:
Qiu, Y., Zhang, T., Huang, B. and Cui, Z. (2024). Global Variational Convolution Network for Semi-supervised Node Classification on Large-Scale Graphs. Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, Singapore, Springer Nature Singapore.
Ali, W., Qin, Y., Khan, N. A., Zhao, H., Su, Y., Ding, D., . . . Ding, S. (2024). "Highly air-stable magnesium hydrides encapsulated by nitrogen-doped graphene nanospheres with favorable hydrogen storage kinetics." Chemical Engineering Journal 480: 148163. DOI:
Zhang, W., Guan, H., Li, S., Huang, B., Hong, W. and Liu, W. (2024). "The impact of street-scale built environments on urban park visitations: A case study in Wuhan." Applied Geography 171: 103374. DOI:
Lin, J., Huang, B., Wang, Q., Chen, M., Lee, H. F. and Kwan, M.-P. (2024). "Impacts of street tree abundance, greenery, structure and management on residential house prices in New York City." Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 94: 128288. DOI:
Wang, P., Huang, M., Ni, K., Liu, W., Huang, B. and Xu, M. (2024). "Improving spatiotemporal image fusion incorporating unmixing step by considering the point spread function effect." International Journal of Remote Sensing 45(10): 3274-3288. DOI:
Liu, Y., Feng, J., Cheng, Q., Tsou, J. Y., Huang, B., Ji, C., . . . Zhang, Y. (2024). "Investigating spatiotemporal coastline changes and impacts on coastal zone management: A case study in Pearl River Estuary and Hong Kong's coast." Ocean & Coastal Management 257: 107354. DOI:
Wei, X., Ho, K. F., Yu, T., Lin, C., Chang, L.-Y., Chen, D., . . . Lao, X. Q. (2024). "The joint effect of long-term exposure to multiple air pollutants on non-accidental and cause-specific mortality: A longitudinal cohort study." Journal of Hazardous Materials 472: 134507. DOI:
Wang, P., Huang, M., Shi, S., Huang, B., Zhou, B., Xu, G., . . . Leung, H. (2024). "Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Image Fusion Based on Multiscale Smoothing-Sharpening Filter." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 17: 17957-17970. DOI:
Zhang, T., Huang, B., Wu, S., Chen, J., Yan, Y., Lin, Y., . . . Chung, R. Y.-N. (2024). "Linking joint exposures to residential greenness and air pollution with adults’ social health in dense Hong Kong." Environmental Pollution 363: 125207. DOI:
Wang, M., Pang, A., Kan, Y., Pun, M.-O., Chen, C. S. and Huang, B. (2024). "LLM-Assisted Light: Leveraging Large Language Model Capabilities for Human-Mimetic Traffic Signal Control in Complex Urban Environments." ArXiv abs/2403.08337.
Wang, P., Su, Y., Huang, B., Zhu, D., Liu, W., Nedzved, A., . . . Leung, H. (2024). "Low-Rank Tensor Completion Pansharpening Based on Haze Correction." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-20. DOI:
Lin, A., Huang, B., Wu, H. and Luo, W. (2024). "An MIU-based deep embedded clustering model for urban functional zoning from remote sensing images and VGI data." International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 128: 103689. DOI:
Chen, Y., Zhu, Z., Huang, Y., Wang, P., Huang, B. and Mura, M. D. (2024). MSF: A Multi-Scale Fusion Generative Adversarial Network for SAR-to-Optical Image Translation. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE. DOI:
Ding, J., Cen, W., Wu, S., Chen, Y., Qi, J., Huang, B. and Du, Z. (2024). "A neural network model to optimize the measure of spatial proximity in geographically weighted regression approach: a case study on house price in Wuhan." International Journal of Geographical Information Science 38(7): 1315-1335. DOI:
Sun, Y., Ma, X., Yan, Y., Pun, M.-O. and Huang, B. (2024). A Novel Automated Urban Building Analysis Framework Based on GPT and SAM. Energy and Buildings, IEEE. DOI:
Liu, Y., Qin, Y., Gao, J. and Huang, B. (2024). "The Phase Control of Transition Metallic Elements <i>via</i> Facile Chemical and Physical Syntheses." The Chemical Record 24(4). DOI:
Zhang, Y., Sun, T., Wang, L., Huang, B., Pan, X., Song, W., . . . Niu, Z. (2024). "Portraying on-road CO2 concentrations using street view panoramas and ensemble learning." Science of The Total Environment 946: 174326. DOI:
Liu, H., Zhang, H. K., Huang, B., Yan, L., Tran, K. K., Qiu, Y., . . . Roy, D. P. (2024). "Reconstruction of seamless harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) time series via self-supervised learning." Remote Sensing of Environment 308: 114191. DOI:
Ma, X., Wu, Q., Zhao, X., Zhang, X., Pun, M.-O. and Huang, B. (2024). "SAM-Assisted Remote Sensing Imagery Semantic Segmentation With Object and Boundary Constraints." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-16. DOI:
Jiang, X., Huang, B. and Zhao, Y. (2024). "Spatiotemporal Image Fusion With Spectrally Preserved Pre-Prediction: Tackling Complex Land-Cover Changes." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-14. DOI:
Li, C., Zou, L., He, Y., Huang, B. and Zhao, Y. (2024). "Spatiotemporal Nonstationary Robust Modeling Between Luojia1-01 Night-Time Light Imagery and Urban Community Average Residence Price." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 17: 16563-16576. DOI:
Xing, X., Yu, B., Kang, C., Huang, B., Gong, J. and Liu, Y. (2024). "The Synergy Between Remote Sensing and Social Sensing in Urban Studies: Review and perspectives." IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 12(1): 108-137. DOI:
Zhang, Y., Wang, L., Sun, T. and Huang, B. (2024). "Vehicle-based monitoring and AI unravel patterns of on-road carbon and pollutant emissions." The Innovation Geoscience 2(3): 100085. DOI:
Wang, P., He, Z., Huang, B., Mura, M. D., Leung, H. and Chanussot, J. (2024). "VOGTNet: Variational Optimization-Guided Two-Stage Network for Multispectral and Panchromatic Image Fusion." IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems: 1-15. DOI:
Prof. Benjamin L. IAQUINTO
Barry, K., Iaquinto, BL. and Azeredo, R. (2024). "From tourists to essential workers: The multifaceted presence of backpackers in rural Queensland, Australia." Journal of Rural Studies 112, 103469. DOI:
Iaquinto, B. L. (2024). "Backpacker tourism: Definitions, methods, debates." Tourism Geographies. DOI:
Iaquinto, B. L. & Toropov, P. N. (2024). "The value of negativity for tourism resilience: A second-wave positive psychology approach." Current Issues in Tourism, 1-6. DOI:
Iaquinto, B. L., Bennett, M. M. & Liu, X. (2024). "The biopolitics of Chinese tourism governance in the Arctic." Geografiska Annaler: Series B. Human Geography, 106(3), 330-346. DOI:
Iaquinto, B. L., Gillen, J. and Mostafanezhad, M. (2024). "The new tourism geopolitics: bridging tourism geographies and political geography." Tourism Geographies 26(5), 723-734. DOI:
Gerlofs, B., Iaquinto, B. L., Poon, K. Y. N. and Tsang, C. T. Y. (2024). "Tank to Table: Hong Kong’s Wet Markets and the Geographies of Lively Commodification Beyond Companionship." Annals of the American Association of Geographers 114(4), 844-862. DOI:
Iaquinto, B. L., Cheer, J. M., Roelofsen, M., Minca, C., Ong, C.-E., Wong, C., Lapointe, D., Qu, M., McCormick, A., & Lin, C.-C. T. (2024). "Coercive geographies: Biopower, spatial politics, and the tourist." Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 42(2), 149–170. DOI:
Prof. Keumseok KOH
Ng, K. Y., Hong, A., Higgins, C. D., Widener, M. J. and Koh, K. (2024). "Beyond distance: Measuring spatial accessibility to healthy food for older adults in Hong Kong using a 3D least-effort method." Applied Geography 169: 103336. DOI:
Li, C., Zhao, G., Koh, K. P., Xu, Z., Yue, M., Wang, W., . . . Wu, L. (2024). "Impact of China’s financial development on the sustainable development goals of the Belt and Road Initiative participating countries." Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11(1): 294. DOI:
Ng, K. Y. and Koh, K. (2024). "Toward equitable public transportation with pets: Accessing veterinary care under mobility constraints in Hong Kong through taxi fare analysis." International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 18(3): 264-274. DOI:
Prof. Yun Fat LAM
Chang, J., Lam, Y., Wong, Y. C. and Hon, K. (2024). "Compound Tropical Cyclone Heat (TC‐Heat) Hazard in Hong Kong: Amplifying Urban Heat Extremes With Storm Position‐Driven Peripheral Warming and Urban Footprint." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129. DOI:
Prof. Jimmy J.R. LI
Wang, G., Xiao, H., Xin, Z., Luo, F., Jin, Y., Liu, M. and Li, J. (2024). "Changes in plant-soil-microbe C-N-P contents and stoichiometry during poplar shelterbelt degradation." CATENA 243: 108227. DOI:
Eibedingil, I. G., Gill, T. E., Kandakji, T., Lee, J. A., Li, J. and Van Pelt, R. S. (2024). "Effect of spatial and temporal “drought legacy” on dust sources in adjacent ecoregions." Land Degradation & Development 35(4): 1511-1525. DOI:
Meng, B., Gao, C., Lv, S., Han, G., Li, Z., Li, J., . . . Zhang, F. (2024). "The effects of grazing and the meteorologic factors on wind-sand flux in the desert steppe." Frontiers in Environmental Science 12. DOI:
Tang, Z., Wang, D., Tian, X., Bi, X., Zhou, Z., Luo, F., . . . Li, J. (2024). "Exploring the factors influencing the carbon sink function of coastal wetlands in the Yellow River Delta." Scientific Reports 14(1): 28938. DOI:
Li, J., Jia, Z., Kandakji, T., Wang, G. and Xiao, H. (2024). "A methodology to prioritize ecosystem restoration of in-situ well pads in the Permian Basin of western Texas and southeastern New Mexico, USA." Science of The Total Environment 907: 167946. DOI:
Zhi, D., Wang, J., Xiao, H., Xin, Z. and Li, J. (2024). "Wind tunnel simulation on the windbreak effect of Nitraria tangutorum nebkhas in Ulan Buh desert-oasis ecotone of China." Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 40(3): 147. DOI:
Prof. Jinbao LI
Li, T., Peng, J., Au, T. F. and Li, J. (2024). "April–September minimum temperature reconstruction based on Sabina tibetica ring-width chronology in the central eastern Tibetan Plateau, China." Journal of Forestry Research 35(1): 37. DOI:
Gao, C., Shi, C., Li, J., Yuan, S., Huang, X., Zhang, Q., . . . Wu, G. (2024). "Igniting lightning, wildfire occurrence, and precipitation in the boreal forest of northeast China." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 354: 110081. DOI:
Huang, P., Chen, Y., Li, J. and Yan, H. (2024). "Redefined background state in the tropical Pacific resolves the entanglement between the background state and ENSO." npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 7(1): 147. DOI:
Fang, K., Zhou, F., Wu, H., Tang, H., Mei, Z., Li, J., . . . Chen, D. (2024). "Synchronous spring precipitation in Southeastern China and Bengal: a potential indicator for the Indian summer monsoon?" Environmental Research Letters 19(10): 104008. DOI:
Huang, C., Huang, X., Li, J., Wang, L., Jiang, L., Xiang, L., . . . Chen, F. (2024). "Western Mongolian Plateau exhibits increasing Holocene temperature." Global and Planetary Change 242: 104577. DOI:
Prof. Shunlin LIANG
Lin, S., Huang, X., Wang, C., He, T., Zhang, X., Shen, R., . . . Yuan, W. (2024). "A 30-m gross primary production dataset from 2016 to 2020 in China." Scientific Data 11(1). DOI:
Liang, S., He, T., Huang, J., Jia, A., Zhang, Y., Cao, Y., . . . Song, L. (2024). "Advancements in high-resolution land surface satellite products: A comprehensive review of inversion algorithms, products and challenges." Science of Remote Sensing 10: 100152. DOI:
Jia, A., Liang, S., Wang, D., Mallick, K., Zhou, S., Hu, T. and Xu, S. (2024). "Advances in Methodology and Generation of All-Weather Land Surface Temperature Products From Polar-Orbiting and Geostationary Satellites: A comprehensive review." IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 12(4): 218-260. DOI:
Fang, H., Liang, S., Chen, Y., Ma, H., Li, W., He, T., . . . Zhang, F. (2024). "A comprehensive review of rice mapping from satellite data: Algorithms, product characteristics and consistency assessment." Science of Remote Sensing 10: 100172. DOI:
Li, H., Zhou, Y., Zhao, X., Zhang, X. and Liang, S. (2024). "A dataset of 0.05-degree leaf area index in China during 1983–2100 based on deep learning network." Scientific Data 11(1). DOI:
Xu, J. and Liang, S. (2024). "Deep Learning Methods for Producing the GLASS-AVHRR Surface Longwave Radiation Products."
Zheng, Y., He, T., Liang, S. and Ma, Y. (2024). "Deriving High-Resolution Estimation of TOA Net Shortwave Radiation Over Global Land Using Data From Multiple-Geostationary Satellites." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-13. DOI:
He, T., Liang, S. and Song, D. (2024). "Developing a global 30m resolution product suite (Hi-GLASS) for monitoring surface biogeophyiscal properties with multiple medium resolution satellites." AGU24.
Zhan, C. and Liang, S. (2024). "Estimating TOA Reflected Shortwave and Outgoing Longwave Radiative Fluxes From Multispectral Satellite Data."
Guan, S., Zhang, X., Zhao, W., Duan, Y., Han, X., Lv, L., . . . Liang, S. (2024). "Estimation of Near-Surface Ozone Concentration Across China and Its Spatiotemporal Variations During the COVID-19 Pandemic." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 17: 18444-18455. DOI:
Ma, Y., He, T., Aguilar, C., Pimentel, R., Liang, S., McVicar, T. R., . . . Liu, X. (2024). "Evaluating Topographic Effects on Kilometer-Scale Satellite Downward Shortwave Radiation Products: A Case Study in Mid-Latitude Mountains." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-16. DOI:
Li, B., Liang, S., Ma, H., Liu, X., He, T. and Zhang, Y. (2024). "Generation of global 1 km all-weather instantaneous and daily mean land surface temperature from MODIS data." Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. 2024: 1-45. DOI:
Wang, J. a., Liang, S. and Shi, P. (2024). The geography of contemporary China, WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA.
Liang, T., Tian, F., Zou, L., Jin, H., Tagesson, T., Rumpf, S., . . . Fensholt, R. (2024). "Global assessment of vegetation patterns along topographic gradients." International Journal of Digital Earth 17(1). DOI:
Ding, A., Liang, S., Ma, H., He, T., Jia, A. and Wang, Q. (2024). "Improved estimation of daily blue-sky snow shortwave albedo from MODIS data and reanalysis information." Science of Remote Sensing 10: 100163. DOI:
Song, J., Huang, J., Huang, H., Xiao, G., Li, X., Li, L., . . . Liang, S. (2024). "Improving crop yield estimation by unified model parameters and state variable with Bayesian inference." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 355: 110101. DOI:
Peng, D., Xie, X., Liang, S., Wang, Y., Tursun, A., Liu, Y., . . . Chen, Y. (2024). "Improving evapotranspiration partitioning by integrating satellite vegetation parameters into a land surface model." Journal of Hydrology 643: 131928. DOI:
Liu, X., Liang, S., Ma, H., Li, B., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., . . . Teng, J. (2024). "Landsat-observed changes in forest cover and attribution analysis over Northern China from 1996‒2020." GIScience & Remote Sensing 61(1): 2300214. DOI:
Liu, X., Liang, S., Ma, H., Li, B., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., . . . Teng, J. (2024). "Landsat-observed changes in forest cover and attribution analysis over Northern China from 1996‒2020." GIScience & Remote Sensing 61(1). DOI:
Guo, X., Yao, Y., Tang, Q., Liang, S., Shao, C., Fisher, J. B., . . . Zhang, L. (2024). "Multimodel ensemble estimation of Landsat-like global terrestrial latent heat flux using a generalized deep CNN-LSTM integration algorithm." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 349: 109962. DOI:
Xu, S., Wang, D., Liang, S., Jia, A., Li, R., Wang, Z. and Liu, Y. (2024). "A novel approach to estimate land surface temperature from landsat top-of-atmosphere reflective and emissive data using transfer-learning neural network." Science of The Total Environment 955: 176783. DOI:
Liang, H., Jiang, B., Liang, S., Wen, J., He, T., Zhang, X., . . . Yin, X. (2024). "A Novel Terrain Correction Sinusoidal Model for Improving Estimation of Daily Clear-Sky Downward Shortwave Radiation." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-15. DOI:
Huang, J., Song, J., Huang, H., Zhuo, W., Niu, Q., Wu, S., . . . Liang, S. (2024). "Progress and perspectives in data assimilation algorithms for remote sensing and crop growth model." Science of Remote Sensing 10: 100146. DOI:
Ma, Y., He, T., McVicar, T. R., Liang, S., Liu, T., Peng, W., . . . Tian, F. (2024). "Quantifying how topography impacts vegetation indices at various spatial and temporal scales." Remote Sensing of Environment 312: 114311. DOI:
Zhang, G., Liang, S., Ma, H., He, T., Yin, G., Xu, J., . . . Zhang, Y. (2024). "Simultaneous estimation of five temporally regular land variables at seven spatial resolutions from seven satellite data using a multi-scale and multi-depth convolutional neural network." Remote Sensing of Environment 301: 113928. DOI:
Ma, R., Zhang, Y., Ciais, P., Xiao, J., Xu, Y., Goll, D. and Liang, S. (2024). "Stepwise Calibration of Age-Dependent Biomass in the Integrated Biosphere Simulator (IBIS) Model." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 16(6): e2023MS004048. DOI:
Xiao, X., He, T., Liang, S., Liang, S., Liu, X., Ma, Y. and Wan, J. (2024). "Towards a gapless 1 km fractional snow cover via a data fusion framework." ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 215: 419-441. DOI:
Prof. George C.S. LIN
Lin, G. C. S. and Li, Y. (2024). "In the name of “low-carbon cities”: National rhetoric, local leverage, and divergent exploitation of the greening of urban governance in China." Journal of Urban Affairs 46(3): 587-609. DOI:
Lin, G. C. S. (2024). "Review of Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Centers:Theory and Practices." World Regional Studies 33(7): 184-188.
Prof. Laibao LIU
Liu, L., Fisher, R., Douville, H., Padrón, R., Berg, A., Mao, J., . . . Seneviratne, S. (2024). Can long-term tropical land carbon-climate feedback uncertainties be constrained from interannual variability?, Copernicus GmbH. DOI:
Seneviratne, S., Windisch, M., Biess, B., Jaeger, F., Gudmundsson, L., Hauser, M., . . . Petra, S. (2024). Extreme events and land use changes in the climate crisis, Copernicus GmbH. DOI:
An, W., Treydte, K., Xu, C., Yin, Q., Babst, F., Liu, L., . . . Guo, Z. (2024). Natural variability has dominated the movement of High Asia Polar Jet over the past six centuries, Copernicus GmbH. DOI:
Liu, L., Fisher, R. A., Douville, H., Padrón, R. S., Berg, A., Mao, J., . . . Seneviratne, S. I. (2024). "No constraint on long-term tropical land carbon-climate feedback uncertainties from interannual variability." Communications Earth & Environment 5(1): 348. DOI:
Treydte, K., Liu, L., Padrón, R. S., Martínez-Sancho, E., Babst, F., Frank, D. C., . . . Loader, N. J. (2024). "Recent human-induced atmospheric drying across Europe unprecedented in the last 400 years." Nature Geoscience 17(1): 58-65. DOI:
Prof. Becky P.Y. LOO
Lian, T., Loo, B. P. Y. and Fan, Z. (2024). "Advances in estimating pedestrian measures through artificial intelligence: From data sources, computer vision, video analytics to the prediction of crash frequency." Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 107: 102057. DOI:
Wang, B., Loo, B. P. Y. and Zhang, F. (2024). "Aging in Place: Toward Understanding Momentary Well-Being and Daily Satisfaction of Older People." Annals of the American Association of Geographers 114(9): 2044-2067. DOI:
Li, L. and Loo, B. P. Y. (2024). "Beyond short-term impact of COVID-19 on transport decarbonization: a scenario analysis of passenger and freight transport by mode in China, 2020–2030." Energy, Sustainability and Society 14(1). DOI:
Loo, B. P. Y., Tsoi, K. H., Feng, X., Zhang, H., Lin, Y., Huang, Z., . . . Lin, H. (2024). "Cities and Urbanization: Balancing the Environmental and Socioeconomic Dimensions of Sustainability." Advanced Sustainable Systems 8(7). DOI:
Lian, T. and Loo, B. P. Y. (2024). "Cost of travel delays caused by traffic crashes." Communications in Transportation Research 4: 100124. DOI:
Loo, B. P. Y. and Zhang, F. (2024). "Design of public open space: Site features, playing, and physical activity." Health & Place 85: 103149. DOI:
Loo, B. P. Y. and Wang, H. (2024). "Dynamics of in-station time within metro systems: Measurement and determining factors." Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 153: 106006. DOI:
Tsoi, K. H. and Loo, B. P. Y. (2024). Electrification of Road Freight Transport: A Case Study of the Greater Bay Area, China. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering and Structures, CIGOS 2024, 4-5 April, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Singapore, Springer Nature Singapore.
Feng, X., Zeng, F., Loo, B. P. Y. and Zhong, Y. (2024). "The evolution of urban ecological resilience: An evaluation framework based on vulnerability, sensitivity and self-organization." Sustainable Cities and Society 116: 105933. DOI:
Guo, C., Loo, B. P. Y., Feng, K., Gao, H. O. and Zhang, K. (2024). "Fifteen Pathways between Electric Vehicles and Public Health: A Transportation–Health Conceptual Framework." Environment & Health 2(12): 848-853. DOI:
Gao, W., Cui, M., Pan, E. and Loo, B. P. Y. (2024). "Green commuting within the x-minute city: Towards a systematic evaluation of its feasibility." Journal of Transport Geography 121: 104003. DOI:
Wang, B., Feng, X., Loo, B. P. Y., Xue, D., Liu, J. and Tong, S. (2024). "Hedonic price effects of homeworking under the COVID-19: evidence from housing markets in Guangzhou, China." Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. DOI:
Zhang, F., Loo, B. P. Y., Lan, H., Chan, A. B. and Hsiao, J. H. (2024). "Jobs-housing balance and travel patterns among different occupations as revealed by Hidden Markov mixture models: the case of Hong Kong." Transportation 51(5): 1857-1877. DOI:
Loo, B. P. Y. and Ochieng, W. Y. (2024). "The nexus of people, environment and infrastructure in future cities." Sustainable Cities and Society 109: 105501. DOI:
Wang, H. and Loo, B. P. Y. (2024). "The public transport disadvantaged in a highly transit-oriented city: An analytical framework, key challenges and opportunities." Journal of Transport Geography 120: 103983. DOI:
Loo, B. P. Y. (2024). "Research excellence in a world of change." Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. DOI:
Loo, B. P. Y., Fan, Z. and Moro, E. (2024). "Residential and experienced social segregation: the roles of different transport modes, metro extensions, and longitudinal changes in Hong Kong." Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11(1). DOI:
Salazar-Miranda, A., Fan, Z., Baick, M., Hampton, K., Duarte, F., Loo, B. P. Y., . . . Ratti, C. (2024). Shifting Patterns of Social Interaction: Exploring the Social Life of Urban Spaces Through A.I, National Bureau of Economic Research. DOI:
Loo, B. P. Y. and Tsoi, K. H. (2024). "Stressors for bus commuters and ways of improving bus journeys." Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 187: 104164. DOI:
Wang, B., Loo, B. P. Y., Liu, J., Lei, Y. and Zhou, L. (2024). "Urban vibrancy and air pollution: avoidance behaviour and the built environment." International Journal of Urban Sciences: 1-20. DOI:
Loo, B. P. Y., Lian, T. and Frank, L. D. (2024). "Walking (In)Convenience: An In-Depth Study of Pedestrian Detours to Daily Facilities." Journal of the American Planning Association: 1-16. DOI:
Prof. Han MA
Liang, S., He, T., Huang, J., Jia, A., Zhang, Y., Cao, Y., . . . Song, L. (2024). "Advancements in high-resolution land surface satellite products: A comprehensive review of inversion algorithms, products and challenges." Science of Remote Sensing 10: 100152. DOI:
Fang, H., Liang, S., Chen, Y., Ma, H., Li, W., He, T., . . . Zhang, F. (2024). "A comprehensive review of rice mapping from satellite data: Algorithms, product characteristics and consistency assessment." Science of Remote Sensing 10: 100172. DOI:
Li, B., Liang, S., Ma, H., Dong, G., Liu, X., He, T. and Zhang, Y. (2024). "Generation of global 1 km all-weather instantaneous and daily mean land surface temperatures from MODIS data." Earth System Science Data 16(8): 3795-3819. DOI:
Ding, A., Ma, H., Liang, S., Jiao, Z., Kokhanovsky, A., Shi, H., . . . Xu, K. (2024). Hapke-Hsr + Marmir-2: An Improved Soil Reflectance Model, Elsevier BV. DOI:
Ding, A., Liang, S., Ma, H., He, T., Jia, A. and Wang, Q. (2024). "Improved estimation of daily blue-sky snow shortwave albedo from MODIS data and reanalysis information." Science of Remote Sensing 10: 100163. DOI:
Liang, S., Chen, Y., Liu, J., Ma, H., Li, W., Sucharitakul, P., . . . Xu, J. (2024). Mapping Paddy Rice Cropping Intensity and Calendar in Monsoon Asia at 20 M Resolution between 2018 and 2021 from Multi-Source Satellite Data Using a Sample-Free Algorithm, Elsevier BV. DOI:
Huang, J., Song, J., Huang, H., Zhuo, W., Niu, Q., Wu, S., . . . Liang, S. (2024). "Progress and perspectives in data assimilation algorithms for remote sensing and crop growth model." Science of Remote Sensing 10: 100146. DOI:
Ding, A., Jiao, Z., Ma, H., Kokhanovsky, A., Guo, J., Zhang, X. and Dong, Y. (2024). The Reflectance of Solar Light from Natural Surfaces, Springer Nature Switzerland: 1-84. DOI:
Zhang, G., Liang, S., Ma, H., He, T., Yin, G., Xu, J., . . . Zhang, Y. (2024). "Simultaneous estimation of five temporally regular land variables at seven spatial resolutions from seven satellite data using a multi-scale and multi-depth convolutional neural network." Remote Sensing of Environment 301: 113928. DOI:
Prof. Liqing PENG
Peng, L., Sheffield, J., Wei, Z., Ek, M. and Wood, E. F. (2024). "An enhanced Standardized Precipitation–Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) drought-monitoring method integrating land surface characteristics." Earth Syst. Dynam. 15(5): 1277-1300. DOI:
Prof. Junxi QIAN
Dombroski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J., Williams, A. and Cloke, P. (2024). "Afterword: Going forward with human geography." Introducing Human Geographies: 1005. DOI:
Yu, Y. and Qian, J. (2024). "Being mobile in an era of lockdown: Chinese citizens in the U.S. negotiating homo sacer and the state of exception during the COVID-19 pandemic." Social & Cultural Geography 25(3): 460-477. DOI:
Zhang, H. and Qian, J. (2024). "Branding the ‘VBA’ (Village Basketball Association) to revitalise a Miao village: Platform ruralism in the making." Area: e12951. DOI:
Qian, J., Lu, Y., Li, X. and Tang, X. (2024). "Counterurban sensibilities in the global countryside: The relational making of rurality and heritage in Xizhou Town, Southwest China." Habitat International 149: 103109. DOI:
An, N. and Qian, J. (2024). "The ‘darkest history’ must live: narrating Sino-Japanese relations through museum geopolitics." Tourism Geographies: 1-19. DOI:
Qian, J., Zeng, Y., Tang, X. and Hu, X. (2024). "Empowering left-behind places in Southwest China: participation in coffee value chains as place-based development." Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society: rsae006. DOI:
Yang, Y., Xia, S., Huang, P. and Qian, J. (2024). "Energy transition: Connotations, mechanisms and effects." Energy Strategy Reviews 52: 101320. DOI:
Zhang, H., Qian, J. and Kong, L. (2024). "“Fly Buddha to Mars”: The co-production between religiosity and science & technology at Longquan Monastery, Beijing." Geoforum 148: 103948. DOI:
Qian, J., Ma, Y. and Tang, X. (2024). "In the frontier zone of market transition: Economic possibilities across the market/non-market divide." Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space: 0308518X241249859. DOI:
Dombroski, K., Goodwin, M., Qian, J., Williams, A. and Cloke, P. (2024). Introducing Human Geographies, Taylor & Francis. DOI:
Qian, J. and Williams, A. (2024). "Knowing area geographies." Introducing Human Geographies: 186-198. DOI:
Junxi Qian, A. W. (2024). "Knowing cultural geographies." Introducing Human Geographies 295-208. DOI:
Dombroski, K. and Qian, J. (2024). "Knowing environmental geographies." Introducing human geographies 520-532. DOI:
Yang, Y., Xue, J., Qian, J. and Qian, X. (2024). "Mapping energy inequality between urban and rural China." Applied Geography 165: 103220. DOI:
Lyu, Z. and Qian, J. (2024). "Social and cultural geographies of economic innovation: Proliferation of meanings, articulation with user cultures, and dialectical power relations." Progress in Human Geography: 03091325241305747. DOI:
Prof. Lishan RAN
Huang, Y., Gao, G., Ran, L., Wang, Y. and Fu, B. (2024). "Afforestation Reduces Deep Soil Carbon Sequestration in Semiarid Regions: Lessons From Variations of Soil Water and Carbon Along Afforestation Stages in China's Loess Plateau." Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 129(11). DOI:
Wan, X., Chen, S., Wang, W., Dai, M., Shi, W., Ran, L., . . . Tan, W. (2024). "Anthropogenic Perturbations Complicated the Downstream Greenhouse Gas Dynamics of a Large Subtropical Reservoir." Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 129(12). DOI:
Yang, Q., Chen, S., Li, Y., Liu, B. and Ran, L. (2024). "Carbon Emissions From Chinese Inland Waters: Current Progress and Future Challenges." Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 129(2): e2023JG007675. DOI:
Gao, G., Huang, A., Ran, L., Li, D., Zhang, H., Pokhrel, Y., . . . Fu, B. (2024). "Dam regulation on extreme streamflow-sediment relationships along the Yangtze River Basin." Science Bulletin. DOI:
Xu, S., Bufe, A., Li, S.-L., Erlanger, E. D., Ran, L., Zhong, J., . . . Sachse, D. (2024). "Erosional modulation of the balance between alkalinity and acid generation from rock weathering." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 368: 126-146. DOI:
Wang, X., Gao, Y., Jeong, S., Ito, A., Bastos, A., Poulter, B., . . . Piao, S. (2024). "The Greenhouse Gas Budget of Terrestrial Ecosystems in East Asia Since 2000." Global Biogeochemical Cycles 38(2): e2023GB007865. DOI:
Huang, Y., Xin, Z., Gao, G., Lu, X., Ran, L., Wang, Y. and Zhang, Z. (2024). "Increasing lateral transport of soil and carbon on the Tibetan Plateau." CATENA 239: 107901. DOI:
Chen, S., Ran, L., Zhong, J., Liu, B., Yang, X., Yang, P., . . . Fang, N. (2024). "Magnitude of and Hydroclimatic Controls on CO2 and CH4 Emissions in the Subtropical Monsoon Pearl River Basin." Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 129(5): e2023JG007967. DOI:
Li, Z., Yang, X., Zhou, T., Cai, S., Zhang, W., Mao, K., . . . Wang, Y. (2024). "Monitoring Chlorophyll-a Concentration Variation in Fish Ponds from 2013 to 2022 in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China." Remote Sensing 16(11). DOI:
Liu, D., Shi, K., Chen, P., Yan, N., Ran, L., Kutser, T., . . . Duan, H. (2024). "Substantial increase of organic carbon storage in Chinese lakes." Nature Communications 15(1). DOI:
Qin, C., Xue, Y., Xu, M., Ran, L., Li, D., Wang, G., . . . Wang, G. (2024). "Undervalued dry riverbeds: A key factor in equating intermittent river CO2 emissions to perennial rivers." Water Research 259: 121859. DOI:
Van Der Wouden, F. and Esposito, C. (2024). "The Returns to Inventor Experience and Collaboration." Academy of Management Proceedings 2024(1). DOI:
Prof. Junshi XU
Ganji, A., Saeedi, M., Lloyd, M., Xu, J., Weichenthal, S. and Hatzopoulou, M. (2024). "Air pollution prediction and backcasting through a combination of mobile monitoring and historical on-road traffic emission inventories." Science of The Total Environment 915: 170075. DOI:
Lloyd, M., Olaniyan, T., Ganji, A., Xu, J., Venuta, A., Simon, L., . . . Weichenthal, S. (2024). "Airborne nanoparticle concentrations are associated with brain cancer incidence in Canada’s two largest cities." ISEE Conference Abstracts 2024(1). DOI:
Lloyd, M., Olaniyan, T., Ganji, A., Xu, J., Venuta, A., Simon, L., . . . Weichenthal, S. (2024). "Airborne Nanoparticle Concentrations Are Associated with Increased Mortality Risk in Canada’s Two Largest Cities." American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 210(11): 1338-1347. DOI:
Lloyd, M., Olaniyan, T., Ganji, A., Xu, J., Simon, L., Zhang, M., . . . Weichenthal, S. (2024). "Airborne ultrafine particle concentrations and brain cancer incidence in Canada’s two largest cities." Environment International 193: 109088. DOI:
Xu, J., Farrar, E., Jeong, C.-H., Jaafar, W., Anwar, D., Nielsen, I., . . . Hatzopoulou, M. (2024). "Aircraft Activities and Ultrafine Particle Concentrations near a City Airport: Insights from a Measurement Campaign in Toronto, Canada." ACS ES&T Air 1(8): 801-814. DOI:
Farrar, E., Kobayaa, N., Jaafar, W., Torbatian, S., Gamage, S. M., Brook, J., . . . Hatzopoulou, M. (2024). "Campus–Community Partnership to Characterize Air Pollution in a Neighborhood Impacted by Major Transportation Infrastructure." ACS ES&T Air 1(12): 1601-1616. DOI:
Jaafar, W., Xu, J., Farrar, E., Jeong, C.-H., Ganji, A., Evans, G. and Hatzopoulou, M. (2024). "Challenges and opportunities of low-cost sensors in capturing the impacts of construction activities on neighborhood air quality." Building and Environment 254: 111363. DOI:
Xu, J., Saeedi, M., Zalzal, J., Zhang, M., Ganji, A., Mallinen, K., . . . Hatzopoulou, M. (2024). "Exploring the triple burden of social disadvantage, mobility poverty, and exposure to traffic-related air pollution." Science of The Total Environment 920: 170947. DOI:
Weichenthal, S., Lloyd, M., Ganji, A., Simon, L., Xu, J., Venuta, A., . . . Hatzopoulou, M. (2024). "Long-Term Exposure to Outdoor Ultrafine Particles and Black Carbon and Effects on Mortality in Montreal and Toronto, Canada." Res Rep Health Eff Inst 2024(217): 1-63.
Venuta, A., Lloyd, M., Ganji, A., Xu, J., Simon, L., Zhang, M., . . . Weichenthal, S. (2024). "Predicting within-city spatiotemporal variations in daily median outdoor ultrafine particle number concentrations and size in Montreal and Toronto, Canada." Environmental Epidemiology 8(4): e323. DOI:
Torbatian, S., Saleh, M., Xu, J., Minet, L., Gamage, S. M., Yazgi, D., . . . Hatzopoulou, M. (2024). "Societal Co-benefits of Zero-Emission Vehicles in the Freight Industry." Environmental Science & Technology 58(18): 7814-7825. DOI:
Prof. Zhenci XU
He, Q., Liu, D. L., Wang, B., Wang, Z., Cowie, A., Simmons, A., . . . Yu, Q. (2024). "A food-energy-water-carbon nexus framework informs region-specific optimal strategies for agricultural sustainability." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 203: 107428. DOI:
Wei, S., Zhang, H., Xu, Z., Lin, G., Lin, Y., Liang, X., . . . Gong, P. (2024). "Coastal urbanization may indirectly positively impact growth of mangrove forests." Communications Earth & Environment 5(1). DOI:
He, L., Bhattarai, N., Pokhrel, Y., Jia, N., Zhu, P., Ye, G., . . . Li, Z. B. (2024). "Dynamics of land cover changes and carbon emissions driven by large dams in China." Iscience.
Zhang, Y., Chen, K., Xu, Z., Fang, K. and Ye, G. (2024). "First high-resolution marine natural capital mapping in the coastal waters of Chinese mainland." Journal of Environmental Management 349: 119596. DOI:
Du, J., Liu, Y., Xu, Z., Duan, H., Zhuang, M., Hu, Y., . . . Fu, B. (2024). "Global effects of progress towards Sustainable Development Goals on subjective well-being." Nature Sustainability 7(3): 360-367. DOI:
Xiao, H., Bao, S., Ren, J., Xu, Z., Xue, S. and Liu, J. (2024). "Global transboundary synergies and trade-offs among Sustainable Development Goals from an integrated sustainability perspective." Nature Communications 15(1): 500. DOI:
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Prof. Hongsheng ZHANG
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