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23 APR 2019 (TUE) 16:00-17:00

Designing child-friendly neighbourhoods

Map Library, Room 10.10, 10/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong

Miss Natalia Krysiak

About the Speaker:

A practising architect in Sydney, Australia, Natalia Krysiak specialised in the design of child-oriented and community environments. Her area of research focuses on how the built environment can contribute to the health and wellbeing of children. In 2017 Natalia was awarded the David Lindner Research Prize by the NSW Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects. Her winning proposal explores the potential for high-density areas to provide environments for increased play and active mobility of children. In 2018 Natalia was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to investigate best practice for designing child-friendly neighbourhoods in Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada and the UK.


As our cities rapidly grow and densify, the question of what makes a great neighbourhood for children is one which is often neglected in the urban design realm.

With the exclusion of children’s needs from the design of the urban fabric, comes a negligence towards the provision of neighbourhood play strategies, safe travel paths and appropriate apartment designs for families. This presentation will address the needs of children and their families within the city context and consider urban strategies known to promote positive health and wellbeing outcomes.


Places are limited & prior registration is encouraged but not mandatory.

Ms Lily Tse | (E)


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